(Русский) Уже не один мой зуб спасен доктором Жулановой Сандрой Акрамовной. Хочу поблагодарить её за здоровье моих зубов. Сандра Акрамовна профессионал в своей обла
We provide dental prosthetics services of any complexity using modern technologies.
ServicesDiagnosis and treatment of simple forms of caries, its complications, as well as restoration of the aesthetics and functionality of the tooth as a whole.
ServicesUnique opportunities and technologies for providing dental services for dental implantation.
ServicesOrthodontic treatment allows you to maintain health and prevent diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, caries.
ServicesDiagnosis and treatment of simple forms of caries, its complications, as well as restoration of the aesthetics and functionality of the tooth as a whole.
Unique opportunities and technologies for providing dental services for dental implantation.
Orthodontic treatment allows you to maintain health and prevent diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, caries.
Dentistry No. 8 is the whole range of dental services, highly qualified personnel, modern equipment. GAUZ "Dental Clinic No. 8" does not have the attached population and provides medical dental assistance to all the residents of the Volgograd and the Volgograd region, as well as other constituent entities of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens. We're glad to see you !
Request information by mail sp8mt@mail.ru
or telephone
+7 961 080 00 18
To provide dental care to residents and guests of the city of Volgograd, the State Autonomous Institution "Dental Clinic No. 8" has a license to carry out medical activities. License: No. LO41-01146-34/00555314 dated 03/23/2020. The medical institution has been awarded the status of “Child Friendly Clinic”.
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